Professional Podiatry Services for the whole family.
Call now on (03) 9826 8588 or
Health information at this clinic is handled in accordance with government regulations contained within the Victorian Heath Records Act 2001(Vic) and Privacy Act 1998 (Cth).
During your consultation details about your health, contact information, previous and ongoing treatment will be collected to enable a treatment plan to be developed. Updated details are added to your file at the time of each consultation.
Personal information collected may be used for billing, statistics, and correspondence or as part of an appointment reminder service. Health information collected will be used directly in the development of a treatment plan.
Your practitioner may use dictation or ambient transcription technology within your consultation to assist with record keeping and writing reports or referral letters. Data is held locally and deleted once entered into our practice management software.
You have a right to withhold information or to receive anonymous treatment if desired; however this may compromise the quality of your health care. No information will be passed onto a third party without your consent, unless the law requires us to. If you do not wish to receive promotional material or participate in our appointment reminder service please inform your practitioner.
We use Cliniko practice management software to store your health information. Access to sensitive information is restricted and protected with passwords and two factor authentication.
Data is stored on servers located within Australia.
Information is held for a minimum of seven years following your last contact and destroyed in accordance with government requirements.
You are able to view your personal health record at the clinic, with explanation from a podiatrist if requested. We are able to provide you with a summary of your record for a reasonable fee should this be required. Any information contained within the file, that you believe to be inaccurate, may be amended at your request. Some legal reasons may prohibit your access to your health record file.
Should you have further questions about, or a complaint relating to, how information is handled with in this clinic please speak to the Podiatrist or contact the Office of The Health Complains Commissioner (HCC) Health Services Commissioner, by phone 1300 582 113 (free call). More information about the act can be found at
Hawksburn Podiatry
Shop 1 / 521 Toorak Road, Toorak 3142
Call: (03) 98268588
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